Friday, November 30, 2012

Time to admit this blog is dead.

Thanks for reading/watching/commenting over the years, but I think it's well past time to admit that I'm done with this project.  I haven't updated in nearly a year, and this style of cooking no longer holds much interest for me for the most part.  If you've been checking back over the last year, I do apologize for not having any new content, but so it goes.

I'll be leaving the blog up indefinitely, as I do know it still gets some hits and as long as the information is useful to someone, I'd like it to be available.  If I get the bug to do another kind of cooking blog, I'll be sure to post a link to it here.

It's been a fun, tasty ride.

- thom

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year!  Yes, I'm two weeks late on that.  That's just how things have gone lately.

I'm afraid entries here will continue to be pretty sporadic for a while.  The holidays always kind of put a hitch in things.  Then there's the part where the day job has been kicking my butt pretty hard.  Oh, and I'm in the middle of a concert cycle with the Sierra Vista Symphony at the moment.  So, yeah...  I've been eating a lot of sandwiches lately since that's about all I've had the time and energy to make, and that really doesn't warrant any video work or recipe write-ups.

As has been my pattern for the last couple of years, I'll post what I can as I can.  As always, I'm grateful that you have stopped by to check things out even though changes seem to occur at a glacial pace here.

I hope the arbitrary numbering of the calendar is treating you well.  Thanks again.

- thom